
Friday, March 31, 2023

Trump Indictment: A Political Nightmare and a Clear Example of Partisan Politics"

As news of the Trump indictment continues to dominate headlines, many are left wondering what this means for the future of American politics. The political nightmare that the Trump indictment represents is perhaps the worst example of political partisanship in recent memory. The fact that a former president is being indicted on criminal charges is unprecedented and could have far-reaching consequences for the country.

First and foremost, it's important to note that according to his lawyers, Trump is innocent of all charges. He will plead not guilty, and will no doubt fight these charges tooth and nail. However, the fact that he has been indicted at all is troubling, and is a clear example of the politicization of the legal system.

Many have claimed Trump's presidency was divisive, and at times controversial. However, it is also important to note that he accomplished a great deal during his time in office. He made promises to the American people, and he kept them. He fought tirelessly against the political establishment and the media, who sought to damage his reputation and undermine his accomplishments. Against all odds, he was able to become the greatest peacekeeping president of all time, and he accomplished more for all types of Americans, regardless of their race, age, religion, or lifestyle. His policies helped to create an environment where all people were able to live the abundant lifestyle that America was supposed to represent. We can only hope to have such measures in place moving forward.  

Many have compared this situation to what would happen if former President Obama were to be arrested for his alleged involvement in the so-called "Obama gate" spy campaign against Trump, or for the funding and promotion of the phony dossier that was used to try and discredit Trump during the 2016 election. If this were to happen, it would no doubt be seen as an equally egregious example of political partisanship.

The fact that the attorney who brought these charges against Trump was appointed by George Soros is also cause for concern. Soros is a well-known political activist who has been accused of using his wealth and influence to push his political agenda. The fact that he is behind this indictment is sure to raise eyebrows and lead to questions about the motives behind this move.

Regardless of whether or not Trump is ultimately found guilty of the charges against him, the fact that he is being indicted at all is a clear indication of the politicization of the legal system. This sets a dangerous precedent for future presidents and could have far-reaching consequences for the country. It is important that we remain vigilant and push back against this type of political partisanship, in order to preserve the integrity of our legal system and our democracy as a whole.

Monday, March 27, 2023

  Aftermath of Mississippi Tornadoes: Risks of Severe Weather Loom

Mississippi Tornado

Mississippi Governor Tate Reeves has issued a warning that the state may face further severe weather after the recent tornadoes that killed 26 people. He said that significant risks remained in some parts of the state, and people should remain vigilant.

The tornadoes, which tore through Mississippi and Alabama on Friday night, have caused immense devastation. Hundreds of people have been displaced, and more than 36,000 people are without power, making it one of the poorest regions in the country.

The tornado that hit Mississippi was classified as "violent" and given the second-highest rating possible, making it the deadliest tornado in the state in over a decade. Trees were uprooted, trucks were overturned into houses, and power lines were brought down, causing extensive damage to the affected areas.

The disaster has deeply affected the residents of the worst-affected towns, with the mayor of one town reporting the loss of personal friends in the tornado. Survivors of the disaster were seen wandering around, dazed and in shock, on Saturday. However, Sunday has been a hive of activity, with volunteers from neighbouring states coming in to help with the clean-up operation.

President Joe Biden has declared a state of emergency and deployed federal resources to help with the rescue and response in some of the worst-hit areas. Crews are working tirelessly to remove broken trees that are pinning down power lines, with thousands of people losing power during Friday's storm.

Despite the efforts of the local communities and federal resources, there are warnings of further severe storms to come. The devastation is so great that it is challenging to know where to begin. The stations have been set up outside some of the few buildings still partially standing where people can collect water and sandwiches.

The tornadoes have left a lasting impact on the state, and the effects will take time to recover. The disaster serves as a reminder of the importance of being prepared and vigilant in the face of severe weather conditions.

Sunday, March 26, 2023

Arizona Supreme Court Apparently 

Supports Kerri Lake's Claims 

of Election Fraud in Governor's Race

The Arizona Supreme Court recently ruled in favor of former news anchor and Republican gubernatorial candidate Kerri Lake, supporting her claims of election fraud during the 2018 election. Lake alleged that voter suppression and illegal ballot harvesting led to her defeat, and the court's ruling is a significant step in her fight for justice.

The Arizona Supreme Court's decision ruled that the lower court must further look into evidence of election fraud, including the use of illegal ballot harvesting tactics. Ballot harvesting involves collecting and submitting ballots on behalf of others, which is illegal in Arizona. The court found that such tactics were used to manipulate the election and tip the scales in favor of Lake's opponent. All signatures must be verified is how I understand it.

Lake's fight for justice has been a long and difficult one. Despite overwhelming evidence of fraud, her claims were dismissed by the media and many politicians as unfounded conspiracy theories. However, the recent ruling by the Arizona Supreme Court is a significant victory for her and for the integrity of the election process.

Lake has vowed to continue her fight for justice and has indicated that she will take her case to the US Supreme Court if necessary. Her courage and determination in the face of powerful opposition are admirable, and her efforts should be applauded by all who value fair and honest elections.

This case is not just about one election in one state, but about the integrity of the entire election process. Voter fraud and other illegal activities threaten the very foundations of democracy, and we must be vigilant in rooting them out and holding those responsible accountable.

As we move forward, it is important that we remain vigilant in protecting the integrity of our elections. This means investigating all claims of fraud and taking steps to prevent future abuses. Only by working together can we ensure that our democracy remains strong and vibrant for generations to come.

In conclusion, the recent ruling by the Arizona Supreme Court is a victory for Kerri Lake and for all who believe in fair and honest elections. We must remain vigilant in protecting the integrity of our election process and holding those who seek to undermine it accountable. We applaud Lake's courage and determination in fighting for justice, and we stand with her as she continues her fight.

Saturday, March 25, 2023

Damar Hamlin's Injury: Unraveling the Mystery Surrounding its Cause

Pittsburgh Steelers safety Damar Hamlin was sidelined with an injury during a game against the Detroit Lions on August 21, 2021. While the exact cause of the injury was initially unknown, rumors began circulating that it could be related to the mRNA vaccine he had received earlier that year.

The mRNA vaccines, including those manufactured by Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna, have been authorized for emergency use by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) since December 2020. The FDA claims the shots to be highly effective in preventing COVID-19 and 

its variants, with millions of doses administered worldwide. However, there have been reports of adverse events associated with the vaccines, and Damar is one of the highest profile cases. Another example among many, is the sudden death of Diamond, from the duo, “Diamond and Silk,” well known political commentators. Many other vaccine related injuries, especially among athletes, are now surfacing under the suddenly died category. This has to be very alarming to the general public, to say the least.

As news of Hamlin's injury spread, some questioned whether it could be a side effect of the vaccine. However, his team and medical staff have since denied any link between the two. In fact, Hamlin's injury was later reported to be a groin strain, which is a common sports injury that can occur in athletes regardless of their vaccination status.

Despite this, some continue to speculate that Hamlin's injury was vaccine-related. However, without any concrete evidence to support this claim, it remains nothing more than a baseless rumor, supported by these many incidents of myocarditis and deaths within the athletic community.

In interviews with the media, those closest to Hamlin have spoken out against the false narratives that have circulated about his injury. His agent, Joel Turner, stated that there was no reason to believe that the vaccine played any role in Hamlin's injury. Similarly, his high school football coach, Mike Zmijanac, expressed frustration at the speculation and stated that Hamlin was a "fine young man who has done everything right."

The fact remains that adverse events associated with the mRNA vaccines are claimed to be exceedingly rare. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the most common side effects include pain at the injection site, fatigue, headache, and fever. More serious adverse events, such as allergic reactions or blood clotting disorders, are reportedly extremely rare. But with the large amount of deaths and serious injuries reported on VAERS, (Vaccine Accident Event Reporting System), it would be logical to suspect incident to be vaccine related. We will have to wait on this one for the truth to show itself. We are wishing the best of health for Damar, and we hope he will be able to play again. Only time will tell.

In conclusion, while it is understandable that people may have concerns about the safety of the mRNA vaccines, given the current increase of death and injuries that have been reported, we may never know whether they played any role in Damar Hamlin's injury. As with any medical intervention, it is important to consider the risks and benefits on an individual basis and to consult with a healthcare professional if you have any questions or concerns. Let us focus on supporting Hamlin's recovery and respecting his privacy during this time.

The Drone Strike in Syria: Uncovering the Truth Behind Biden's Alleged Cover-Up

In February 2021, a drone strike was carried out by the United States military in Syria, targeting what was believed to be an Iranian-backed militia group. The strike resulted in the

drone strike, Syria, Biden, cover up, family laundering, Middle East, foreign policy, military action, international relations, political scandal

deaths of several militants, but also sparked controversy and speculation about the true motives behind the attack.

Recent reports have suggested that the strike was not just a retaliatory measure against the militia group, but may have also been an attempt to cover up alleged family laundering by President Joe Biden overseas. According to these reports, Biden's son Hunter had been involved in financial transactions with individuals and companies in China and Ukraine, and had laundered money through several foreign banks.

The allegations are serious and have been vehemently denied by the Biden administration. However, the timing of the drone strike and the subsequent attempts to keep it quiet have raised suspicions among some in the media and political circles.

While the official reason for the drone strike was to target the militia group, some have speculated that the attack was actually intended to destroy evidence of the alleged money laundering. The fact that the strike was carried out without congressional approval or consultation has only added fuel to the fire.

Critics of the Biden administration have called for a thorough investigation into the alleged money laundering and the possible connection to the drone strike. Some have even gone so far as to suggest that the strike was a blatant abuse of power and an attempt to silence critics of the administration.

The Biden administration has denied any wrongdoing and maintains that the drone strike was a legitimate military operation. However, the allegations and speculation have not gone away, and it remains to be seen how the situation will play out.

As Americans, it is our right to demand transparency and accountability from our elected officials. We must continue to ask questions and hold those in power accountable for their actions. The truth behind the drone strike in Syria and the alleged cover-up of family laundering must be uncovered, no matter how uncomfortable or inconvenient it may be.

In conclusion, the allegations of family laundering and the possible connection to the drone strike in Syria are serious and deserve further investigation. As a society, we must demand transparency and accountability from those in power, and not be afraid to ask tough questions. The truth may be uncomfortable, but it is necessary for the health of our democracy and the trust we have in our elected officials.

Friday, March 24, 2023

 French President Emmanuel Macron Under Pressure as Retirement Age Battle Triggers Nationwide Protests and Calls for Democracy"

In France, President Emmanuel Macron is facing mounting pressure to step down from power as the country grapples with a bitter battle over his plans to raise the retirement age. Despite months of protests and strikes, Macron has refused to back down, prompting opponents to demand his resignation and the restoration of democracy in France. The protests have grown in size, with the number of demonstrators increasing again after a slight dip in recent weeks. The latest rallies marked the ninth day of nationwide strikes and protests and were the first since Macron ordered his prime minister to use special executive powers to bypass parliament. The move has turned an already festering dispute into a political and institutional crisis. In Paris, several hundred thousand protesters took to the streets, setting off from the symbolic protest hub of Bastille. Many held posters with a montage of Macron dressed in full regalia in the manner of "Sun King" Louis XIV, accompanied by the slogan "Méprisant de la République" (contemptuous of the Republic). The march included many first-time protesters, such as 32-year-old student Lou, who said she turned out "not so much for the pension reform but because our democracy is at stake." The government's use of Article 49.3 of the constitution to force through Macron's pension reform has sparked clashes and fires across the country. Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin said more than 120 police officers were injured in clashes across France, with unrest sweeping several Breton cities and protesters setting fire to the porch of the city hall in Bordeaux. The proposed pension overhaul plan is highly controversial, with unions and many citizens arguing that it is unfair, particularly for low-skilled workers and women with discontinuous careers. The plan would raise the country's minimum retirement age from 62 to 64 and stiffen requirements for a full pension, which the government says is necessary to balance the books amid shifting demographics. However, polls consistently show that more than two-thirds of the country opposes the pension overhaul, with many expressing support for the strikes that have disrupted schools, public transport, and rubbish collection, burying the streets of Paris under trash. Macron's own approval rating has taken a hit, dropping to just 28%, according to an Ifop poll conducted last week. The poll was conducted before the president further enraged his critics by ordering his prime minister to trigger Article 49.3. While the government narrowly survived a no-confidence vote in the National Assembly on Monday, surveys suggest the French were hoping for a different outcome altogether, with two in three voters backing the no-confidence motion, according to an Elabe poll. Many protesters at the Paris rally said they voted for Macron less than 12 months ago but stressed that they did so to keep the far-right out of power, not in support of his promised pension overhaul. The perceived inequity of the pension reform plan has touched a raw nerve in a country that has the word "égalité" (equality) enshrined in its motto. As the protests continue to grow, it remains to be seen whether Macron will back down or face increasing calls for his resignation. The French people are demanding that their democracy be respected and that their voices be heard, and it is up to Macron to listen to their concerns and take action to address them.


 How the Fed's Interest Rate Hike Contributed to Bank Failures

The Federal Reserve's recent decision to increase interest rates has been a point of contention for many, with some arguing that it has had a negative impact on the economy. One of the most significant consequences of this decision has been the increased number of bank failures across the United States.

The Fed's decision to increase interest rates means that banks now have to pay more to borrow money from the central bank. This, in turn, has increased the cost of loans for consumers and businesses. Higher interest rates can be beneficial for savers, but they can also lead to a decrease in spending and investment, which can ultimately hurt the economy.

In addition to this, the increase in interest rates has also had a direct impact on banks themselves. Banks are typically able to generate revenue by borrowing money at lower rates and lending it out at higher rates. However, with interest rates on the rise, the spread between borrowing and lending rates has decreased, making it more difficult for banks to turn a profit.

As a result, smaller banks, in particular, have struggled to keep up with the increased costs of borrowing, leading to a rise in bank failures. In 2021, five banks failed, and this number could continue to rise as interest rates continue to increase.

Since January 2021, several banks have failed in the United States, with many citing the impact of rising interest rates as a contributing factor. One such bank is the City National Bank of New Jersey, which was closed by regulators in February due to concerns over its financial condition. In March, the First State Bank of Barboursville in West Virginia was also closed, with the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) citing the bank's "unsound banking practices." The FDIC also closed the The First State Bank of Bedias in Texas in March due to issues with liquidity and loan problems. These recent bank failures highlight the impact that rising interest rates can have on the stability of financial institutions, and the potential risks associated with Chairman Powell's current Fed policy.

Furthermore, the increase in interest rates has also made it more challenging for banks to attract new customers and retain existing ones. With higher interest rates, consumers are less likely to take out loans or use credit cards, leading to a decrease in revenue for banks. This decreased demand for loans can lead to a decrease in lending activity and potentially harm the economy.

In conclusion, while the Fed's decision to increase interest rates may have been made with good intentions, it has had unintended consequences, including an increase in bank failures. While it's essential to balance economic growth with financial stability, policymakers must be mindful of the potential consequences of their decisions, particularly when it comes to raising interest rates


Before you read this, Go up to Wealththinkers101 Music Edu playlist, and play the song "Turn, Turn, Turn", by The Byrds, Then read this as the song plays. Interesting isn't it?

For everything there is a season,
And a time for every matter under heaven:
A time to be born, and a time to die;
A time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted;
A time to kill, and a time to heal;
A time to break down, and a time to build up;
A time to weep, and a time to laugh;
A time to mourn, and a time to dance;
A time to throw away stones, and a time to gather stones together;
A time to embrace, And a time to refrain from embracing;
A time to seek, and a time to lose;
A time to keep, and a time to throw away;
A time to tear, and a time to sew;
A time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
A time to love, and a time to hate,
A time for war, and a time for peace.

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8