
Showing posts with label Government. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Government. Show all posts

Sunday, March 26, 2023

Arizona Supreme Court Apparently 

Supports Kerri Lake's Claims 

of Election Fraud in Governor's Race

The Arizona Supreme Court recently ruled in favor of former news anchor and Republican gubernatorial candidate Kerri Lake, supporting her claims of election fraud during the 2018 election. Lake alleged that voter suppression and illegal ballot harvesting led to her defeat, and the court's ruling is a significant step in her fight for justice.

The Arizona Supreme Court's decision ruled that the lower court must further look into evidence of election fraud, including the use of illegal ballot harvesting tactics. Ballot harvesting involves collecting and submitting ballots on behalf of others, which is illegal in Arizona. The court found that such tactics were used to manipulate the election and tip the scales in favor of Lake's opponent. All signatures must be verified is how I understand it.

Lake's fight for justice has been a long and difficult one. Despite overwhelming evidence of fraud, her claims were dismissed by the media and many politicians as unfounded conspiracy theories. However, the recent ruling by the Arizona Supreme Court is a significant victory for her and for the integrity of the election process.

Lake has vowed to continue her fight for justice and has indicated that she will take her case to the US Supreme Court if necessary. Her courage and determination in the face of powerful opposition are admirable, and her efforts should be applauded by all who value fair and honest elections.

This case is not just about one election in one state, but about the integrity of the entire election process. Voter fraud and other illegal activities threaten the very foundations of democracy, and we must be vigilant in rooting them out and holding those responsible accountable.

As we move forward, it is important that we remain vigilant in protecting the integrity of our elections. This means investigating all claims of fraud and taking steps to prevent future abuses. Only by working together can we ensure that our democracy remains strong and vibrant for generations to come.

In conclusion, the recent ruling by the Arizona Supreme Court is a victory for Kerri Lake and for all who believe in fair and honest elections. We must remain vigilant in protecting the integrity of our election process and holding those who seek to undermine it accountable. We applaud Lake's courage and determination in fighting for justice, and we stand with her as she continues her fight.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Peace to You, Merry Christmas To Y'all, And Become Aware!

Just wishing the best for you and your family this Blessed Holy Day of Christmas. I believe the future holds great things for you and your family. But one thing must happen to secure this future. It is a global awakening of what is going on. A knowledge of the worldly powers that are evil and want to run your life as a slave to a global government. The same powers that want to take Christ out of Christmas. We need to unite for freedom everywhere. If you live in the US, like I do, you must start to realize that both the Democrats and Republican have insiders who represent the global government.I'm not going to get into this in depth, but do your homework. It certainly worth it. Slow down your life and listen to God and what is going on around you. Don't be so absorbed into yourselves. That's what happens as we get busy. The elite powers like this as it keeps us out of the way. Anyway, I really want to concentrate on Christmas. It is interesting how the video asks that every child must be made aware, and that every child must be made to care, care enough for his fellow man. Give more Love! 

 When I chose to use this video on my blog, I didn't know how well it ties into what I wrote above. But it does and I'm glad, and the Holy Spirit deserves the credit for that. I want to share this video with you. I remember watching this video with my Dad in the recreation room of our house. My Dad is passed away over 30 years now and I miss him. It was at night and I have always been impressed with the video. How Christmas can bring together generations and people of all nations for the Glory of God. This includes my Dad and I , as we were so different during that time period. I respect him more now, appreciate him more through the years as he sacrificed much for his family. Love ya Dad! I honor you Dad. See you in Heaven if it be the will of God. Praise be Jesus!

In this video we see Bing Crosby and David Bowie perform the song “Little Drummer Boy”. You would think how did they get two people so different to perform a song together? Maybe it has to do about the Baby Jesus. All things are possible through Christ Jesus! That must be it. Right? God Bless, Merry 
Christmas, and a prosperous New Year to Y'all.

I will videos back in. They where taken down for some unknown reason. They were worth watching.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Whitney Houston Tops All Past Recordings With Her Best Song Ever. The World Needs To Look To You!

I'm so glad to hear Whitney Houston come back. I really believe she has the best voice of all time. Maybe it would be a toss up between Whitney and Celine Dion. Celine did not run into the same obstacles as Whitney but, I think Whitney will come back even stronger as a result of her struggle.

This song not only cements her faith in God, but is what our country and the world really needs right now. In the face of a Global Government Takeover, and the loss of Freedom for all sovereign nations, such as the United States, we all over the world must pray for freedom. After you hear this song whether you be a Catholic or Protestant Christian, be sure to say an intense prayer for the world. We have 10 days of Freedom Left if the Copenhagen treaty is signed. Try to say a prayer for the next 10 days.

Here is a really logical and great recording.

Another good video.

Keep informed and Pray. Take Action Now!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Are There Any Good Men Available To Save The Republic?

I just finished watching a favorite movie of mine, “Gladiator” starring Russel Crowe. Russel Plays Maximus, the courageous and favorite general of emporer Markus Aurelius, played by Richard Harris. The emporer asks his general to protect Rome by not letting his real son, Commodus, played by Joaquin Rafael Phoenix, become the emporer of Rome. The acting is just superb. It is a great movie.

Anyway, Commodus seizes power by killing his father, Markus, and manages to kill Maximus' Family, while Maximus barely excapes. The general becomes a slave, then a gladiator, and gets his revenge against Commodus. But more importantly, He single handedly saves the Roman Republic from the tierany of a madman. A madman who would abolish the roman senate and claim all power for himself.

That is the real story here. How one man can make a difference in the future by standing up for what is right. It reminds me about how much we need thousands of General Maximus Clones to save the future of the US of A. No, I don't mean, thousands of people that look like Russel Crowe running around chopping heads off and the like. I mean, strong peaceful men that know when their rights are being violated and when teirany threatens to re- enslave all Americans. We need people to get educated about what is happening and who is responsible. Because the founding fathers of this great nation, knew it would happen. They put protections in our Constitution, and the Bill of Rights, that would prevent such tierany from happening. The only thing they feared is that the public would not

be wise enough or have the guts to exercise their rights. Here are some quotes:

"Posterity - you will never know how much it has cost my generation to preserve your freedom. I hope you will make good use of it." - John Quincy Adams

"If ever time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the seats in Government, our country will stand in need of its patriots to its ruin." - Samuel Adams (1780)

The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing. - Edmund Burke 1729-1797

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Benjamin Franklin

Guard against the impostures of pretended patriotism. - George Washington

All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent. - Thomas Jefferson.

We must now rise up and protect this nation against all enemies, domestic and foreign. Believe me when I say domestic and foreign, because the threat is that perverse.


This is the truth about the current House Bill just passed:

The most appalling effect of the Affordable Health Care for America Act is the extent of control which the federal government would exercise over individual health care decisions. The legislation requires you to purchase health insurance, whether you need it or want it, and dictates the parameters of your policy. What's more, failure to purchase insurance would result in a slew of fines and, as this letter from the Joint Committee on Taxation makes clear, failure to pay the fines would result in criminal penalties including "a fine of up to $250,000 and/or imprisonment of up to five years."

If you would like to batter against this tierany follow the link below.

FIGHT BACK! The next stop on the runaway train known as ObamaCare is the floor of the United States Senate. Help us derail Ms. Pelosi's health care legislation by writing your Senators. The American people deserve better than what's coming down the tracks and you can help put a stop to it. Click on the link below and send a letter to Congress telling them to JUST SAY NO to health care legislation.

Here is a Link to e-mail your Senator, Join the fignt to return control of this nation to it's rightful owners, the people.

Click Here

Love Ya and God Bless America, we really need it now! Because Commodus is still alive.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

More on Bad Finance: Wake Up America!

In my last post, I explained how the borrower will serve the lender. I know I want to keep this a blog about personal development, and that is what this really is about. These issues effect every person on the planet in a personal way. The only way we as a society can benefit humanity is to not play this game of debt. It is a sham and the ultimate pyramid scheme. Many people will laugh at persons who participate in a legitimate multi-level marketing program that provides a service or product of value to it's participants. But what the public generally doesn't know is that they are victims of the ultimate pyramid scheme ever conceived by human minds.

When you borrow money to buy a car who really owns the car? Especially that in the current financial system, the bank is literally creating money out of thin air. You have now put yourself in servitude to the bank. Does that make sense? Do you realize that there is multiple levels within the banking and monetary system all starting with the Federal Reserve Bank?

Now the Government borrows money from the Federal Reserve Bank and promises to pay back the money based on future tax revenues collected from you and me. The IRS is the collection agency for the Federal Reserve Bank. Now with that said, Do you think the US Government is in servitude to the Federal Reserve? Your darn toot'n!


As an American Society, we need to wake up and start learning about the founding of this country. What the founders were thinking and how they warned us about Tierney and slavery. The fact that we have a constitution that guarantees us our liberty and rights, not by the government, but endowed by our Creator. (God) Yes, all men should be free in this great country. But we are losing our freedoms to powers controlling the Government. Steps have been taken to remove our Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

It is so important that people learn the truth and study this material that is not being taught in the schools. In fact, almost all institutions and the media, have been manipulating the public by conditioning the minds of the population. The media is particularly guilty of dumbing up Americans.
Just like the Romans did, the elite societies are doing to the general population. The romans built Colosseum and bath houses and theaters to keep the population busy with entertainment. We today have all kinds of entertainment, Stadiums, concert halls, and of course, the television. I understand that they all have positive effects when used properly, but when used improperly, they destroy minds and society.
On a personal note, we need to each take responsibility and find the truth and act on that truth for the betterment of America and the World.


Before you read this, Go up to Wealththinkers101 Music Edu playlist, and play the song "Turn, Turn, Turn", by The Byrds, Then read this as the song plays. Interesting isn't it?

For everything there is a season,
And a time for every matter under heaven:
A time to be born, and a time to die;
A time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted;
A time to kill, and a time to heal;
A time to break down, and a time to build up;
A time to weep, and a time to laugh;
A time to mourn, and a time to dance;
A time to throw away stones, and a time to gather stones together;
A time to embrace, And a time to refrain from embracing;
A time to seek, and a time to lose;
A time to keep, and a time to throw away;
A time to tear, and a time to sew;
A time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
A time to love, and a time to hate,
A time for war, and a time for peace.

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8